Basic Health & Safety Package

Basic Health & Safety Package

We take pride in offering a comprehensive health and safety packages designed to prioritise the well-being of your workforce and the security of your operations. Our package includes essential elements such as a robust policy statement and procedures, streamlined accident reporting protocols, rigorous hazard identification processes, efficient emergency response plans, thorough training and induction programmes, effective communication strategies, and a customised site-specific safety plan.

At Prepare Consultants, we recognise the paramount importance of establishing a strong foundation for health and safety practices within your organisation, we are committed to partnering with you to implement a tailored package that not only meets regulatory requirements but also fosters a culture of safety excellence.

You can be rest assured that we are equipped with the necessary knowledge, tools. And support to navigate potential hazards and emergencies in the workplace seamlessly. Trust Prepare Consultants to guide you through the development and implementation of a comprehensive health and safety package that upholds the highest standards of safety, compliance, and well-being for your team.

What’s included in the Basic Health & Safety Package?


  • Health and Safety Policy Statement
  • Health and Safety Procedures

Accident Reporting

  • Accident Notification Form
  • Accident Investigation Form

Hazard Identification

  • Hazard/Risk Register
  • Hazard Identification Form
  • Hazardous Substance Register and SDS
  • Task Analysis
  • Site Inspection


  • Emergency Response Plan
  • Emergency Response Manual

Training and Induction

  • Competency Register
  • Health and Safety Induction
Communication and Participation

  • Toolbox Talk Template

  • SSSP and Agreement